Now click the “ Start” button to launch NoxPlayer on your computer.
When the installation completes, it will show the start button.It will take a few minutes to complete the full installation process. Double click on the file to open and start the installation process by clicking the “ Install” button.Go to the download folder on your PC and locate the “ NoxPlayer.exe” file.Download the official NoxPlayer Emulator from the below link.Now, apart from BlueStacks, you can use NoxPlayer to download and install ZOOM Cloud Meetings on Windows 10/8/7 desktop and laptop. NoxPlayer is another renowned Android emulator that lets you download and install any Android app on Windows computers. Also, every time you click to open BlueStacks, you have to wait a few minutes.ĭownload ZOOM Cloud Meetings on Windows 7/8/10 PC Using NoxPlayer So it will take several minutes to install.