Spectralive nxt v4 rapidshare movies

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There is also a new audio GATE Rack processor and it can be activated as pre or post to Spectralive processing.ĭemo version for PC is available now for both PC and Mac OS, The price is $159 however they have a launch special for a limited time for $49.

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Taking the lead from their popular newB Plugin, BASS House can be used to Enhance bass sections as well as re-enforce low harmonics. The 'BASS House’ rack is the all new Harmonic Bass Enhancement processor. The new limiter also induces analog harmonics with certain settings. Spectralive V4 now includes a secondary zero latency Opto style Limiter with hard / soft Knee adjustments.

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You also have an option to place them pre or post the Spectralive process including parallel compression which is a potential addition for Drums and Vocals. A Multi-Band and a Single band version and both are designed to offer transparent compression with zero latency. .V3.5-ASSiGNCrysonics SPECTRALIVE NXT V3. Spectralive NXT V4 can now be the only plugin in the Audio chain if required, V4 also introduces two new Pro Mastering Grade Compressors. Spectralive NXT V4 now supports Mastering tools and can be used as a single mastering plugin in the Audio chain together for other tasks such as tracking, mixing, live and sound sculpting / Engineering.

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